We don't have access to uptime, so we ignore it. The transaction count is in the second data field for purely aesthetic reasons.
Try that the script works before configuring mrtg:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use DBI;
use strict;
my $dbhost='db1.example.tld';
my $dbname='template1';
my $dbuser='monitor';
my $dbpass='secretword';
my $connstring = "DBI:Pg:dbname=$dbname;host=$dbhost";
my $connection = DBI->connect($connstring, $dbuser, $dbpass, {RaiseError => 0, PrintError => 0}) || die "Unable to access database: ". $DBI::errstr ."";
my $query = "select sum(xact_commit) + sum(xact_rollback) from pg_stat_database;";
my $stmt = $connection->prepare($query);
$stmt->execute() || die "Running query failed: ". $DBI::errstr ."";
my $row = $stmt->fetchrow();
print "0\n";
print $row . "\n";
print "\n";
print $dbhost . "\n";
I use the following MRTG fragment:
Target[sql.xacts]: `/etc/mrtg-sql-tps.pl`
MaxBytes[sql.xacts]: 1250000
Title[sql.xacts]: PostgreSQL transactions per second
PageTop[sql.xacts]: PostgreSQL transactions per second
YLegend[sql.xacts]: Xacts / second
ShortLegend[sql.xacts]: xact/s
LegendO[sql.xacts]: Transactions per second
Options[sql.xacts]: integer,nopercent,noinfo,nobanner,noi
noi option causes mrtg to ignore the first data field (Input) and LegendO sets description for the second data field we use (Output for MRTG).
Remeber to make a new index page with indexmaker.